شارك هذا الموضوع

Night 10: Sheikh Jaffer Sitri has completed that he started in the night before of the subject of the verse:

“Say not ask you any payment except love in the kin “and quickly reviewed the range of points raised in the previous night, he said: the talk about the verse in his importance introduction to the task of revealing the seriousness of the conceptual circular to the terminology of Quran and expand the concept to enter in the concept is theAhlul Bayt PBU them, we would be passing via three stations, the first is the reason of revealing, and it was when Muslims who came with money to the Messenger via his intimation efforts, but he rejected and exchanged with affection of kinship.

And today we review two views; the first, is the Messenger to pray for the call? And second what are the evidence that convince that no doubt that the relatives are the Ahlul Bayt and leave the last to the coming night.

Answer the first question caused controversy among the commentators which was divided three
opinions that mentioned by sheikh Jaffer, he noted two important observations, first that when
Allah spoke about trip of the Prophets, he mentioned a common denominator among the Prophets, they didn’t request payments in “Sorat the poets’ “the verse that had repeated, “I do not ask for any payment for my preaching.

I shall receive my reward ***the Lord of the Universe “after mentioning every Prophet.

The second observation says that Allah commanded his Messenger to follow the example
of the biography of Prophets in relation to this matter “we has guided the Prophet (Mohammed),follow their guidance and say (to the people) “ I do not ask any reward for what I have preached to you.

It is my duty to awaken the world”. Then Shailh sitri has mentioned interpretations, respectively.

The first interpretation: the wider public of the Sunna and the group say he did not ask for paid and the evidence is lingual, because the exception is separated, as they say, that love is not pays but Shaikh says that this statement is undermines the importance of love and this say is doubtful .

Originally, the exception has to be connected unless the connected exception is been equal, why we don’t considered the exception here separately? And other evidence the Quran, its states that the Prophet did not ask for pay like the rest of the Prophets.

Second Shiites interpretation: they say that the exception is connected, and the Prophet asked payment of the kinship’s affection, the proof is three verses: “I ask no payment ***you for my preaching.

The Lord of the Universe will give me my reward” and the verse at the beginning of Hadeeth, “what I asked you to pay it to you”, but also it is doubtful, How he ask-paying and Allah asked him not be require*d like other Prophets, and what he asked to report intimation is also forbidden, and the answer to the enquiries that the recompense require* is Allah, “Say”.

The final explanation to Shiites investigators.

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